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Annual Dinner Wash Ups

Annual Dinner Wash Ups

Roger Holmes30 Apr - 20:26
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Yet Another Good Do

Saturday's 2024 Annual Dinner in the Clubhouse was another excellent do.
A fantastic turn from across all sections of the Club celebrated the end of season in fine style.

An excellent three course meal by Flavours Cookery School was followed by the toast, speeches and presentations.

The principle prize winners were;

1st XV Players Player : Nick Roberts
1st XV Most Improved Player : Peter Mitchell

2nd XV Players Player : Jamie Taylor
2nd XV Most Improved Player : Cam Bate

Coaches Player of the Year : Josh Burns

Womens XV Players Player : Kat Clarkson
Womens XV Most Improved Player : Jess Sadler

The Geoff Williamson Trophy : Kirk Kenyon

Thanks to the organisers, bar staff, raffle donations and all who attended. Roll on 2024-25 season.

Further reading